Let's Talk Dev (Opens in a new window)
New series of videos about WebDev in general, covering pain points, best practices, and more.
I love to share my knowledge with others, in talks, presentations, videos and other forms of content. These are some of the talks I gave over the years.
New series of videos about WebDev in general, covering pain points, best practices, and more.
Series of streams in spanish about WebDev in general. Streamed 36 Sundays for a total of almost 60 hours, sometimes with the company of members of the hablemos.dev community. Stopped in order to focus on a new video series called letstalk.dev.
My first experience doing a stream series of streams teaching how to go from zero to hero for WebDev. Streamed 20 Sundays for a total of almost 30 hours.
BarCamp MDQ 2020
Presenting the Functional paradigm in JavaScript and comparing it with other paradigms out there.
BarCamp MDQ 2019
A talk about User Experience and User Interfaces, and how to improve both.
BarCamp MDQ 2018
Talk about Progressive Web Apps. Compared it with previous tech, showed the flow of a progressive web app and talked about the future of Web Development.
BarCamp MDQ 2017
Talk about how to improve the communication between developers and designers, and how that affect the final product.
BarCamp MDQ 2016
Talk about common vulnerabilities and bad practices, and how to deal with them.
BarCamp MDQ 2015
I talked about Web Component development in Polymer and React, comparing the native approach and the library based approach.
BarCamp MDQ 2014
I talked about ECMAScript 6 and all the features coming to JavaScript, and I showcased some of those feature.s using TypeScript.
SUMA Conectivo
I gave a small introductory workshop about TypeScript for folks that didn't knew it at that time.
BarCamp MDQ 2013
I talked about some common bad practices with websites at that point in time, and ways to improve them.